
One of my favorite lines from the movie, "Ours, Mine and Yours"...
Home is for free expressions, not good impressions.
Love that!! So much I painted it on my laundry room wall!

“…keep a tidy soul.” mark twain
pile of dirty dishes...
pile of laundry...
pile of papers...
One thing that distracts me from moving forward in my day...PILES. Piles of dirty dishes, paper piles, piles of laundry. You name it, we've got a pile of it... somewhere.
So what can I learn from Mr. and Mrs. Pile?                                                                                                                                                                             I think of this...inspired by the Mark Twain quote above. "Keep a tidy soul."
What about those piles that accumulate on the insides of us. Let's just call them soul piles. I mean at least a pile on the outside reveals itself and screams, "Do something with me!" Are there things piling inside of you screaming the same command!? Begging for your attention?! Ready to be purged?!
Think of the different types of things that can pile up in your life-
Let's break our soul piles into 3 categories: healthy, toxic and growth.
Some things are meant to give us information, to teach us, encourage us, inform us. We'll label those as piles of books, newspapers, newsletters, directories, menus, etc. These are good.
And then there are those things that don't start out bad but if left unattended may become toxic: emotions running wild, deep hurts, and/or lies we might buy into. We'll label those as piles of things we're not sure we're ready to part with,  junk mail containing offers that tell us we'd be a fool to pass up, and clothes in our closets and drawers that we think someday we will fit into.
Lastly are the things that aren't bad, just sometimes a nuisance  but impossible to ignore. The maintenance seen as mundane tasks that no sooner upon completion bring us back to begin again. These piles would include dirty laundry, dishes, meal planning, driving kids to and fro, returning phone calls, texts and emails.

The good news is that all of these piles, healthy and toxic really can be opportunities for growth, especially if we are sorting through them daily.  It's the daily maintenance that will keep those piles to a minimum. My hope is that we are all reminded to look at those piles in a new way. Allow them to remind us to:
 examine our hearts 
(search me oh God -Psalm 139:23),
embrace and appreciate the piles that guide us
(have grateful hearts-Psalm 147-7),
 address those piles that need some attention
(pray continually-1 Thesallonians 5:17)

 Cry out and ask God to heal the broken places. Ask Him to replace the lies with truth- He WILL listen and guide your spirit to freedom. Purge the things that are keeping us stuck.
Let's FOCUS on His promise that tell us with Him all things are possible.