What does it mean to live a treasured life?
It's a lifestyle, a rhythm, a knitting together of all the pieces of our life. It's the roles that we play, the 100 roles and the hats that we wear, the 100 hats. It's about our style, as absent as it may be some days! And our tastes and our surroundings, not always so inspiring but never without potential! Somedays call us to matters of our home, actually ALL days call us to that! Other days beckon our creativity, to which we attempt to silence THAT voice! There are days of discovery and days of recovery...not usually because of too much wine the night before. And every now and then we may be called to a day of rest or renewal; although I know these days are few and very far between. But living a treasured life means that we will choose to be intentional and embrace the beauty, acknowledge the significance and celebrate the satisfaction of all that we are called and created to do.
It is my hope that through this blog you will be inspired to see the goodness of God in all that you do and be encouraged and equipped through HIS strength to live a treasured life.
Thanks for joining me on my journey through my treasured life.